The Beanie Regular Fuller is made from H13 tool steel and comes shafted on a 16 inch hickory handle. It is Steven Beane's personal choice for 90% of his fullering needs. The regular fuller is suitable for roadster style fullering on both 3/8" and 1/2" stock. The square shaped shaft provides extra control.
The Beanie Slim Fuller is made from H13 tool steel and comes shafted on a 16 inch hickory handle. It is the slimmest of the Beane fullers, suitable for fullering a thicker stock but provides a narrower groove for a smaller nail. It is also great for city head style fullering. The square shaped shaft is great for added control.
The Beanie Wide Fuller is made from H13 tool steel and comes shafted on a 16 inch hickory handle. It features the widest blade of any of the Beane fullers and is suitable for fullering thinner stocks (1/4" and 5/16" stock) or ideal for spreading the section on a shoe branch. The square shaped handle provides added control.